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lundi 1 avril 2019

CANADA - The Communicator du mois d'avril 2019 est en ligne

The Communicator est le mensuel du Surrey Amateur Radio Communications  (SARC). Il est mis en ligne gratuitement sur le blog " The Communicator Digital Edition" (ICI) où vous pourrez y lire également de nombreux articles ayant pour thème la radio. Au sommaire du présent numéro :

p   3 - QRM
p   4 - The Rest of The Story.. Hidetsugu Yagi and Mr. Uda?
p  7 - Back to Basics - From the Canadian Basic Question Bank
p 11 - Wire Snippets
p 12 - Calendar
p 13 - News You Can Lose The Lighter Side of Amateur Radio
p 14 - At The Last SARC Meeting
p 17 - Field Day 2019
p 18 - Operations & Training Centre News -Your Spring Update
p 19 - The Contest Contender - The Final Seasonal Contests
p 20 - Tidbits From Amateur Radio World - An IOTA Adventure In The Gulf of St. Lawrence
p 21 - Radio Activa - Profiles of SARC Members
p 22 - Hardware - A Vector Network Analyzer
p 23 - Radio Ramblings - East Coast DXing
p 27 - Iindustry Canada Update - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Responds to Petition About Interference
p 28 - Public Service - What Does an Amater Radio Volunteers Activation look like
p 30 - Founadations Of Amateur Radio 
p 33 - No-Ham Recipes - French Onion Soup
p 34 - KB6NU's Columm - Got an indoor antenna? Help me out here.
p 36 - Tech Topics - FM Stereo Radio With Arduino Part 1
p 41 - More Tech Topics - Simulating a CW keyer made with Arduino Nano
p 44 - Antenna Adventures 1 - A Homebrew 6 meters Yagi And More
p 48 - Antenna Adapters for Chinese Portable Tranceivers
p 49 - Antenna Adventures 2 - A Homebrew 2m an 70cm Roll-up J-Pole
p 53 - Antenna Adventures 3 - A Homebrew 2m Tape Measure Yagi
p 54 - Antenna Adventures 4 - An End-Fed 6-40m Multiband HF Antenna
p 62 - Antenna Adventures 5 - The Fence Fan Dipole
p 67 - Antenna Adventures 6 - 2-Meter Square Loop
p 69 - Antenna Adventures 7 - Near Vertical Incident Skywave Antenna
p 73 - Tech Topics - Large Networks of Permanently Connected Repeaters
p 76 - RAC News - World Amateur Radio Day - April 18th
p 77 - QRT 

Des sujets intéressants comme ceux abordant des réalisations Arduino ou les antennes.....

Bonne lecture


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